Ndola records increased diarrhoea cases


NDOLA District has recorded an increase in diarrhoeal cases this year owing to consumption of contaminated water by people living in and around unplanned settlements.

According to a presentation on the district’s intersectoral epidemic preparedness by Ndola District principal environmental health officer Luck Silengo, the development of unplanned settlements across the city has resulted in people consuming contaminated water even from boreholes.

“The sad part is that the water that people are consuming in these areas is infected with fecal matter as even the boreholes are constructed near sewer lines,” he said.

However, the presentation revealed that the district has not recorded a single case of typhoid or cholera this year.

But Dr Silengo said the status quo could change if quick measures were not implemented to stop the consumption of contaminated water in unplanned settlements.

Ndola District medical officer, Kakungu Simpungwe said stakeholders would soon hold a meeting to find a lasting solution to the problem.

“We the service providers are the technocrats who understand these issues better, so we’ll soon convene to discuss possible solutions to the problem for the well being of the public,” she said.

And Ndola District Commissioner, Rebby Chanda directed the council to bury shallow wells for the good of the public.

Mr Chanda said developers must work together with the service providers in ensuring that the land acquired housing projects is properly serviced.

He also appealed to street vendors to ensure that they maintained hygiene in areas where they conduct their business from.