Chipata District records low malaria incidences

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Chipata District records low malaria incidences

Ndola, July 13, 2013, ZANIS – Luanshya District Medical Officer  Peter Mulenga says Malaria incidences in the district have reduced from 389.7 per 1000 (in 2010) to 134.9 (in 2012).


Dr Mulenga said Malaria cases in Luanshya have been reduced since 2005 due to good preventive interventions.


“The Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) has contributed to the reduction of malaria cases in the district. In 2010 malaria incidences stood at 389.7 per 1000 and in 2010 this reduced to 134.9.


“  In under five children the incidence is still too high standing at 860 per 1000 in 2010 but also reduced to 509.7 in 2012. This shows that with consented integrated effort the achievement can be more,” Dr. Mulenga said.

ZANIS reports that  Dr. Mulenga said this during the launch of the Luanshya Municipal Council, Anti malaria control program at E-park on yesterday.


He said currently the district was carrying out annual IRS campaigns covering on average of 23,000 structures out of 32,000 due to limited resources.


Dr. Mulenga said Luanshya needed about 16, 2000 mosquito nets to ensure that every home had three nets each.


And Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda said a total of 25,500 structures have been covered in the indoor residual spraying program which translates into 126,629 rooms sprayed in Luanshya district.


“A total of 141,525 people have so far been protected from being infected with malaria due to the essential implanted of IRS and a total of 15,126 mosquito nets have been distributed amongst locals.


“  The statistics highlighted is an indication that we are heading in the right direction in the fight against malaria,” he said.


Chanda said Luanshya district needed the support of all residents to be part of all interventions which include use of insect side treated nets, Indoor Residual Spray and Larvaciding which eradicates mosquito larva.


He said Laravaciding is important because it reduces mosquito-human conflict and in return reduces malaria incidences.