Respect the rule of law-Human Right Activist

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Respect the rule of law-Human Right Activist


Lusaka, December, 9 ZANIS—Human Rights Activist Samuel Kasanka has challenged presidential candidates in the January, 20 , 2015 by-elections to guarantee to the electorate that they will truly promote respect for the rule of law.


In a statement released to ZANIS today, ahead of the International Human Rights Day which falls on Decembers 10, Mr Kansaka said presidential candidates should commit to upholding democracy by guaranteeing protection of Zambian people with divergent views from attacks.


He said politicians should commit that Zambians will fully enjoy both Mr Kasanka said the commemoration of the International Human Rights Day should serve as a reminder to all political parties to conduct violence free campaigns which allow all participants equal opportunity to engage voters.


He pointed out that brutalization of suspects held by state security and law enforcement agents is also an act of violation of human of human rights which the country needs to avoid.


Mr Kansaka said time is ripe for Zambia to write a new chapter of human rights that will guarantee the observance and enjoyment of economic, social, political, civil and cultural rights.