President Sata with George Chellah during a rally in Katuba -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA
President Sata with George Chellah during a rally in Katuba -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA

Good Morning Dear Friends,

Today I wish to share with you some of our Government’s strategies for attaining sustainable development and improve the livelihoods of our people in North Western province. As you may be aware, North Western province has a comparative advantage in agriculture and mining. In this vein, our Government’s focus for investment in infrastructure will include:

1. Construct and rehabilitate feeder roads and bridges;

2. Rehabilitate and establish agricultural infrastructure and facilitate development of agricultural resettlement schemes as well as promote the development of farm blocks;

3. Rehabilitate and establish tourism support infrastructure;

4. Construct and rehabilitate water and sanitation
infrastructure as well as identify potential sites for dam construction;

5. Construction of Chanda Falls mini-hydro power station in Chavuma

It is also the intention of our Government to promote value addition in the province through the development of a multi-facility economic zone.

Our Government also intends to develop the Chingola to Jimbe railway line in the northwest which will connect the country to Angola and the DRC. The trade potential from these two countries is immense and when opened up the Jimbe line could become a viable export route for various commodities.

I am determined to accelerate growth and improve the livelihood of the Zambian people especially in rural areas. MCS 25/03/14