President Sata’s Facebook : 30/01/14 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Sata in Addis Ababa
Sata in Addis Ababa

Good Morning Dear Friends,

Today, I have a hectic schedule here in Addis Ababa but all the same I wish to share with you our Government’s actualized Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for the period 2011 – 2013 which totaled US$891,677,433 million as follows: Agriculture – US$172, 523, 659; Construction – US$24, 633, 795; Education – US$3, 845, 586; Energy – US$91, 136, 000; Health – US$1, 743, 289; ICT – US$34, 242, 020; Manufacturing – US$228, 005, 464; Mining – US$94, 573, 513; Real Estate – US$74, 775, 569; Service – US$76, 855, 985; Transport – US$60, 054, 453; Finance – US$12,433,686 and Tourism – US$16, 854, 414.

During the same period, the actualized investment created a total 13,051 jobs. Similarly, our Non Traditional Exports (NTEs) have also been steadily increasing as follows: 2011 – US$1.8 billion; 2012 – US$2.8 billion; and 2013 – US$3.3 billion.

Going forward, our Government through the ZDA plans to attract US$4 billion in 2014 and will include activities to support accelerated economic development through among others: (1) attracting investment into the Multi Facility Economic Zones and Industrial Parks to support light industry and exports (Choma, Chembe, Nakonde, Kasumbalesa, Kazungula and Airport areas); (2) attracting investment in the identified tourism sites in the Northern Circuit Tourism corridor and Greater Livingstone; (3) Development of infrastructure facilities in the Lusaka National Park; and (4) intensifying efforts for the Beneficiation of Raw Materials (value addition of agriculture and mineral products).Our focus in 2014, will also include prioritizing the implementation of PPP projects especially in the Road sector, Airports and Garbage collection among others.

Our Government shall continue to foster a competitive business environment in order to maximize our country’s economic activities and thus create jobs and wealth for our people. MCS- 30/01/14


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