Berkeley Mineral Resources

Shares in Berkeley Mineral Resources (BMR) fell almost 6% in early trading on Monday before recovering slightly, after the company disappointed investors with its vagueness. Pre-tax losses...

PROLIGHT Zambia has introduced a new through-service from Lusaka to Zanzibar in Tanzania, enabling families to travel seamlessly from the capital to the beach. This...

By Michael R. Bloomberg This week in Livingstone, business and government leaders are coming together at the fourth annual African Business Media Innovators forum....
Konkola Copper Mines (KCM),

LUSAKA – Zambian electricity supplier Copperbelt Energy Corp has restored power supply to Konkola Copper Mines (KCM), it said on Friday, ending a week-long...

GOVERNMENT says its decision to create the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) is not an after-thought as insinuated by some sections of society. Acting chief Government...

STANDARD Chartered Bank contributed about US$953 million to the development of the Zambian economy in 2012, which is equivalent to 4.6 per cent of...
Panji Kaunda

THE Government has warned multi-national chain stores against flouting labour laws in the country. Meanwhile, a US$500 million Pound Stretcher Mega-Store has been officially launched... is testing delivering packages using drones, CEO Jeff Bezos said on the CBS TV news show 60 Minutes Sunday. The idea would be to deliver packages...

GOVERNMENT will constitute a team of experts to conduct a forensic audit on the mines to ascertain the impact of low copper prices on...