UCZ in Pemba praises govt

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UCZ in Pemba praises govt

Pemba, Jun 30/14, ZANIS—-The United Church of Zambia (UCZ) in Pemba district has praised government for continuing to provide an enabling environment for worship and for incorporating the Church in developmental programs and important planning meetings such as the District Development Coordinating Committee (DDCC) at district level.

Speaking yesterday at Pemba UCZ Congregation to mark the beginning of the Golden Jubilee celebrations for the existence of the UCZ Church in Zambia, Committee Chairperson Vincent Tembo pledged that his Church would work closely with the District Administration in developing the new district.

And in his homily, Pemba Congregation Reverend, Charles Kafunda, noted with sadness that unity was difficult to achieve in Churches and the country as a whole because of some leaders who are self-centred and bitter as they keep criticising each other for alleged   failure to run the country yet without providing ideas or alternatives on how best the country could develop.

Rev Kafunda observed that if Christians and leaders in Zambia did not embrace the spirit of love and unity among themselves, and if they did not make Christ the centre of everything, all their efforts to develop the country would be in vain.

And speaking as guest of honour, Pemba District Commissioner, Reginald Mugoba, said the Patriotic Front (PF) government was all inclusive and   committed to partnering with Churches and the private sector for the common cause of developing the country.

Mr Mugoba praised the UCZ Church for supplementing government’s efforts through numerous mission schools and hospitals it was running in the country.

He stressed the importance of unity among all Churches in the new district of Pemba, and urged them to work closely with the newly established district administration in order to bring about development as the district was blossoming.