Kaputa woman to a blind and single nostril baby

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-A 21 year old woman of Kamishimbi
village in Chief Mukupa Katandula’s Chiefdom in Kaputa District has
given birth to a girl baby with one nostril and closed eyes.

The new born baby was born to Christine Lupupa and Obby Musonda yesterday
also has twelve fingers and toes and a very small head.

Chilunda Ward Councilor, Robert Chansa who confirmed the development
in an interview with ZANIS in Kaputa yesterday .


Mr. Chansa said the infant  was delivered from home and was only rushed to

the clinic for observation.

He  said the incident has stunned the village who he said has
not seen such a thing a thing before.

The Councilor said he was surprised that the baby has been born
‘incomplete’ when she was delivered at nine months.

Several people had gathered at the house of the couple to get  a
glimpse of the child.

The Nurses in Charge at Mukupa Katandula Rural Health Centre could not
give further details as he referred all queries to the District
Medical Officer.

Efforts to also get a comment from the Medical Officer proved futile
as he said he was waiting to see the child before he could issue a

The Medical Officer who has directed that the baby be brought to the
District Hospital for observation said he will issue a comment once he
examines the child.

Meanwhile medical experts in Kaputa have described the condition as
Macrocephally which causes abnormality to the child.

The experts said the condition although rare but happen stating that
the country has at also recorded similar case before.