Mr. Bwalya has told Qfm news in an interview that it is also unfortunate that the vice president is wishing for a by election in Kasama because of the small issue of the former Defense Minister%u2019s resignation.
Mr. Bwalya says it is worrying that the vice presidents is not looking ahead to see how the future of the Patriotic Front (PF) government looks like.
Mr. Bwalya also stresses that it is unfair to push Mr. Mwamba to resign when he is still loyal to the President and still loves the PF.
He adds that Kasama Central in particular has serious problems that are to be solved by the area Member of Parliament Geoffrey Mwamba noting that the people of Kasama have no time for by-elections.
He has since advised all those calling for Mr.Mwamba to resign to focus on serious issues affecting the nation than politicking.
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