Mazabuka DC warns ‘randy’ teachers

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–Mazabuka district
commissioner Eugene Munyama has cautioned teachers in the area to
desist from indulging themselves in sexual relationships with pupils.

The DC has warned the erring teachers that the practice is embarrassing to the teaching fraternity.

Mr.Munyama said there is need for teachers to adhere to their professional ethics
and avoid proposing love to female pupils but instead look at them as
their own children.

He said recent incidences were teachers have been arrested by police
with others suspended by education authorities for either impregnating
or defiling pupils whom they teach raises serious concerns among parents who

 entrust their children with the teachers.

Mr.Munyama was speaking in Mazabuka over the weekend when he addressed
teachers at Namaila and Sianzala primary schools in Chief Hanjalika’s
area during his tour of on-going government developmental projects.

He said government and society at large is worried with the decay
of morals among some teachers who have allegedly found pleasure in
flirting around with their pupils at the expense of imparting
knowledge to them.

Mr.Munyama, a former teacher lamented that the behavior currently
exhibited by some teachers is not befitting that of role models saying
authorities should consider going back to the drawing board so that
sanity in the profession is restored.

“This behavior by some teachers is regrettable and unacceptable no
wonder the passing rate is going down among pupils. Instead of
teachers spending more time teaching their pupils they are busy having
relationship with the girls who qualify to be their children,” charged

And Mazabuka district education standards officer Eglinah Mwembe said it is the
responsibility of  the guidance and counselling teachers to
ensure that they conduct lessons with female pupils in order to avoid
them falling into the trap of having sexual relations with their

Ms.Mwembe however said the there is a lot of relaxation on the part of
teachers who are supposed to offer guidance to the  pupils saying at
the moment most of them do not even read the code of conduct to
enable them know how they should conduct themselves within and
outside their course of duty.