Many of the communities upstream are resupplied through boats like these. They're long, somehow held together by multi-year old welds, and loaded down with tons and tons of supplies.

Many of the communities upstream are resupplied through boats like these. They’re long, somehow held together by multi-year old welds, and loaded down with tons and tons of supplies.

Many of the communities upstream are resupplied through boats like these. They’re long, somehow held together by multi-year old welds, and loaded down with tons and tons of supplies.

Local paddlemen provide a valuable service for goods and for people alike.  Moving swiftly with the current and slowly against it, transportees sometimes make multi-day trips in this manner.
The Zambezi River is Western Province’s greatest resource and its lifeline. Forming the Western boundary of Zambia (separating Angola), the Zambezi River provides fish, fertile plains, and transportation routes on its waters.