Bush arrives in Livingstone

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Bush arrives in Livingstone

Livingstone, June 28, ZANIS… Former United states President George w. Bush has arrived in Livingstone on a private visit, during which he will help refurbish a clinic that will help
strengthen the country ability to detect and treat cervical cancer.

The Former President who arrived at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport at 09:20 hours today aboard Airbus VQ, BMS on a direct flight from Texas in the US to Livingstone, was met at the Airport by Southern Province Permanent Secretary Bernard Namachila, Livingstone City Town Clerk Vivian Chikoti and other senior Government officials.

While in Livingstone Mr. Bush who is accompanied by his wife Laura Bush will work with Zambian officials and other volunteers to refurbish a health clinic in the tourist capital in support of the Pink Red Ribbon initiative that   seeks to expand critically needed cervical and breast cancer interventions.

Mr. Bush and his entourage will also visit Nsongwe Women’s Association garden that is supported by the American government to help women grow vegetables and other crops as income generating activity.

The Pink Red Ribbon initiative, which the First Lady Christine Kasaba launched in Zambia in December 2011, has so far seen more than 40,000 Zambian women have being screened for cervical cancer.


 In addition, many Health Workers have been trained and are serving at 10 new, “Screen and test” , health facilities, eight of which offer procedure to diagnose and treat early invasive cancers.

The Goals of the initiative is to reduce deaths from cervical cancer by an estimated 25 per cent among women screened and treated, to increase access to breast and cervical cancer prevention, and to create innovate models that can be scaled up and used globally.

The Pink Red Ribbon is an innovative partnership between the U.S Presidents’ Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief(PEPFAR), George W. Bush Institute, Zambian government, Susan G. Komen for the cure, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS), and the corporate and NOG partners.

Cervical and breast cancer are the two leading causes of death among women in sub-Saharan Africa and Zambia has the second highest rate of cervical cancer in the world.

Meanwhile, City Town Clerk Ms Chikoti said the visit by the former U.S president will significantly boost the marketing of Livingstone as a tourist destination.

In an interview with ZANIS, Ms Chikoti said the visits by high profile persons before the forth-coming United Nations World Tourism General Assembly (UNWTO) will put Livingstone and Zambia on the world Map as a best tourist destination.