M’membe’s mother awaits his death at Lungu’s hands

FRED M’membe
FRED M’membe

FRED M’membe’s 77-year-old mother, Florence Sibeso, yesterday said she will take President Edgar Lungu’s death threat on her son to the Litunga because it is a very serious matter. Florence said in an interview from Mongu that she had clearly understood President Lungu’s death threats against her son and warned that while she would wait for the time when the President will execute his threat, those behind the plot should be ready to answer to God for their actions.

On arrival in Solwezi last Saturday, President Lungu declared that the battle lines had been drawn between him and M’membe. “I want to tell Fred M’membe that I have thrown away the lid. The battle lines have been drawn, but the truth is that Fred cannot fight me because I am Head of State. If he wants to fight me, let him fight me. But let’s be fair; he has the power of the newspaper, I don’t have.

But the truth is that M’membe cannot fight me because I am Head of State…Alefwayafye ukwakufwila (he is looking death). I will not close your newspaper shamwari but I will take you on,” President Lungu declared. But Florence asked President Lungu to explain what wrong M’membe had committed for him to die under some bizarre circumstances at the hands of the President. “Chakupapa sana kuli ba President, takwaba umukalamba uweba umwana pa ng’anda nangu nabifya ati, ‘Ndekwipaya’.

Twaliumfwa epo mwapingila Fred, ati alefwaya ukwakufwila. Nenyina naliumfwa nomba tulelolelafye ubushiku ubwakufwa bwakwa Fred. Echo abifya chinshi? Umufyashi uleteka icalo alepingila umwana ati kuti nakwipaya! Umufyashi wa calo! Lishamo kuli Lesa ukumfwa umuntu umukalamba ukupingila umwana wakwe ukumwipaya.

Fred afuma kubufumu ubwa Lubemba. Nalalanda na Mwine Lubemba Chitimukulu (it is very surprising on the President’s part, because there is no elderly person who can tell a child in a home that that, “I will kill you”, even if he has done something wrong. We have heard what you are plotting against Fred that he will die. As the mother, I have heard, but we are just waiting for the day he will die.

What wrong has he committed? How can a person leading the nation plot to kill a citizen? A parent of the nation! It is a curse from God to hear an elderly person plotting to kill their child. Fred is from the Bemba Royal Family. I will report this to the Chitimukulu),” Florence said. “Zebabulezi bo Lungu kaufela ku mwanake lu liutwile. Kono sesituna sakayoshwela sa ezize, ki sikamang’i? Kuzwa fateni kona kuli zeo zebabulezi kaufela; cwale ba bulelezi  Jesu Kreste ni Ndatahe Mulimu – uziutwile Mulimu. Kiyena ya ka ba alaba. Mulimu ki yena ya ka ba alaba kakuli ba bulelezi mung’a bupilo Mulimu.

Kakuli bona baziba mulao, kubulelela mutu kuli ‘ni ka kubulaya’, kele ba bulaya kuluna ka silumeli. Eni, ba bulaile. (Whatever [President] Lungu has said against my son has been heard loud and clear, whatever he [Lungu] has said has reached Jesus Christ and His Father. God has heard this and He is going to answer them because he [Lungu] was speaking the giver of the soul. He [Lungu] knows the law and when you tell someone that ‘I will kill you’ it means you have already killed that person according to our Christian faith. Yes, they have killed).” Florence said M’membe’s family would not sit idly when such threats were being made on his life. “Amuise ko akayo mubulaela. Mwanake yo asambakuba mutu ku uzweza mutu.

Cwale kona ko babata kuli ukayoshwela kona ko lukatalimela (Let him take my son wherever he wants to have him killed. My son has never stolen from any person. So we are casting our eyes to wherever they will kill him from),” she said. “Mwendi ne ba ku Litunga [taba ye] nikaifitisa… akuna ya ka ilumela kakuli mwanake ulwanela kuba ni butu (I will have to present this [case] before the Litunga…. No one is going to tolerate this because my son is simply fighting for the establishment of a humane society).”

“Kambe nafumana babanifa kolo ya kuli banizameze cwalo neni ka babuza kuli, ‘sona safosize sesituna sa ku yo shwela ko kusazibwi, ki sikamani?’ Kung’ozwi kuli ubata fa kushwela, cwale sesituna sabata kushwela kisifi? Mang’i ni mang’i utwile, ki kwa Solwezi kwa naile kwa na yobulelela fa ngandaleza (If there was someone who could facilitate for me, I would ask him [President Lungu],’what wrong has my son committed that he should be killed from an unknown place?’ It is written that he wants a place to die from but why should he die? Everybody heard it.

It was in Solwezi where the President went and made this public declaration).” Florence said her son must continue to fight for the betterment of the nation through The Post. “Lukalibelela kwa ka yoshwela yena Fred ko bahupula. Ni libelezi nako ya ka shwa mwanake (We shall wait to see where Fred will die from as per their intentions. I am waiting for the time my son will die).”

– See more at: http://www.postzambia.com/news.php?id=11490#sthash.15tCdXAm.dpuf



  1. How I pity the purportedly, Fred’s mother for her ignorance. M’membe, I am personally tired of your motive to land this country in chaos. Stop your malice. God is still on the judgement seat and has judged your heart already, unless you fear him, you are headed for damnation.

  2. I thought Mmembe was strong and big enough to stand on his own!!..How old is Mmembe? Doesnt he have a wife to speak for him if he has lost a mouth? Banyina apa apelele?….mmm serious…I think balimutumpike kubwaiche. Elo ati kubufumu…..GBM ..kubufumu, Nervas ..kubufumu..Cite..kubufumu, we need a list of all those belonging to the Bemba Royal Foundation and family mwe!!!

  3. This shows how insensitive and desperate Mmembe has come. Why drag your mother into vague issues? When you tell someone “alefwaya ukwakufwila”, does it mean you want to kill that person? In fact, we say that to tell someone that we don’t want to be used as a scapegoat for somebody’s trouble. For Mmembe to involve his mother on his pettiness is surely very childish. let him own up his problems and let his mother enjoy peace! I guess she must be an old woman and Mmembe should not send her to an early grave.

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