children refuse to stay with an alleged witch mother

A witch doctor holds a hippo nyanga
A witch doctor holds a hippo nyanga

Three children of Malemia village of Chief Zingalume ‘s area in Chadiza district have denied to be in the custody of their mother after she initiated their 15 year old elder sister into witchcraft.

The named mother to the children is saddened by her children’s decision and has since dragged her former husband to the victim support to seek intervention.

A ZANIS reporter found a group of people including the three children at the victim support offices where their mother was complaining to her relatives that she wanted to have custody of the three children.

But the father to the children said he had no hand in the children’s decision to refuse to stay with their mother adding that the children have just heard a lot of unusual stories about the life of their elder sister and are scared to stay with their mother.

It came to light that the sixth grader girl at Zingalume Primary school was initiated into witchcraft by her mother last year in June.

The father to the girl disclosed that the girl turns into a cat and can pass through the smallest burglar bar to get into the room.

He added the girl is also believed to have been flying with her mother at night.

The father to the embattled children said the matter was reported to Chief Zingalume who initially ordered the mother to the children to stop the young girl from practicing witchcraft but that up to date the nothing has been done.

The matter was not discussed at the victim support office because all officers were out of office.