YALI tells Grand Coalition to sober up

Grand Coalition to keep pushing for new constitution
Grand Coalition to keep pushing for new constitution

Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) has appealed to the leadership of the Grand Coalition to do a sober reflection on why some members are leaving the coalition before it collapses.

And YALI says it has been vindicated by the pulling out of some members from the Grand Coalition stating that the agenda of the coalition has been diluted by certain individuals.

YALI Governance Advisor Isaac Mwanza has told QFM News via telephone that the pulling out of NAREP and ZDDM from the Grand Coalition and the reasons assigned to this pull out is a vindication of his organization.

Mr. Mwanza says the partisan route the Grand Coalition has been taking which goes against its earlier mandate as a forum for a people driven constitution is what is making members lose confidence in the coalition.

Mr. Mwanza states that YALI would not like to see the collapse of the Grand Coalition whose founding principle was well meant, but that the remaining coalition members should do some self reflection on the Grand Coalition and redirect its efforts.

He says the coalition has principally been serving as an organisation to demonize those that don’t agree with their roadmap and YALI is well aware of some of its members who have been lobbying some cooperating partners to stop funding his organisation.

Mr Mwanza states that YALI is prepared to be part of the reform and redirection process of the Grand Coalition if honest and sincere talks can be held among civil society partners on the future of the coalition.