Film industry can create jobs

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Young Cinema in Zambia assistant director Albert Muteba has observed that the film industry has the potential to create employment for many unemployed youths in the country.

Mr. Muteba told ZANIS that with political will from government, the film industry can contribute to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).

He stated that Zambia has talented artists who can compete at international level if only government created a conducive environment for the film industry to thrive.

Mr. Muteba has since implored government to initiate incentives that will woo young talented Zambians to take up acting as a career.

He explained that one film production can employee up to 100 actors thereby creating the very much needed employment.

Meanwhile Mr. Muteba has meanwhile bemoaned the poor turnout of movie patrons to watch locally produced Zambian movies which were scheduled to take place in Matero today.

He lamented that local movies being premiered by the Young Cinema in Zambia in various parts of Lusaka have been characterized by poor audiences.

Mr. Muteba has since appealed to Zambian movie enthusiasts to support locally produced movies and refrain from watching international films.

And a visiting screen writer from Finland Veera Tyhtila said Zambia has rich stories that can be translated into movies.

Ms. Tyhtila has since urged Zambian actors to tell local stories through local production.

She expressed happiness with the local talent exhibited by artists adding that Zambian movies stand a chance to penetrate the international market.