Top 100 world universities 2014/15 – THE rankings

California University of Technology (Caltech) Photo: Alamy
California University of Technology (Caltech) Photo: Alamy

The Times Higher Education (THE) magazine has today published its 2014/15 world university rankings, placing the California Institute of Technology in top place for the fourth consecutive year.

Harvard University has retained second place, while the University of Oxford has slipped one place from joint second to third, Stanford University holds fourth place and the University of Cambridge has moved up two places to fifth.

The global league table uses 13 separate performance indicators to examine a university’s strengths; including research, knowledge transfer, international outlook and, uniquely among global rankings, the teaching environment.

While the UK has lost three universities from the top 200 list – the University of Reading, the University of Dundee and Newcastle University – London continues to dominate with the greatest concentration of first class universities. Four feature in the top 40 – more than any other city in the world.

The top 100 universities are shown here:


  1. no i idea sir except i ment we shud consider better names. not ama pinda awe. may be u have 1 my bro

  2. hav u head the names but your university in mpika is called mulakupikwa university. shame .!!

    • gvn an optnty 2 nem dat univsty in mpika,wht nem wud u gve? de third paragraph luks @ wht iz consdrd 2 rank thoz univestz & ths shwz dat nemz hv nothin 2 do ranking of thz institutions.thz nwly constructed univestz e step 4ward.big ups zambian government.

    • gvn an optnty 2 nem dat univsty in mpika,wht nem wud u gve? de third paragraph luks @ wht iz consdrd 2 rank thoz univestz & ths shwz dat nemz hv nothin 2 do ranking of thz institutions.thz nwly constructed univestz e step 4ward.big ups zambian government.