BRE clarifies over President Sata’s appointment of Chief Chewe

shilubemba Chikwemba Lucheshi and Washanga Mpika Shapalubemba
shilubemba Chikwemba Lucheshi and Washanga Mpika Shapalubemba
The Bemba Royal Establishment has clarified its earlier statement over President Michael Sata’s alleged appointment of Chief Chewe of Chinsali District in Muchinga Province.

Bashi Lubemba’s Spokesperson Washanga Impika Sha-Lubemba has clarified that the statement did not imply that the president had appointed Chief Chewe as Paramount chief Chitimukulu but that he was imposed as a chief by the president without the consent of the establishment.

However Washanga has maintained that a republican President has no powers to appoint Paramount Chief Chitimukulu stating that in this case they cannot reverse their appointment of Henry Kanyanta Sosala.

Earlier, Washanga Impika Sha-Lubemba was quoted saying that President Michael Sata had allegedly appointed Chief Chewe of Chinsali District in Muchinga Province as Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba speaking people.