-Africa Freedom day prayers

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— A clergy man in Kabwe has urged Zambians to guard the freedom which was won by the nation’s forefathers by using it to ensure unity continued to prevail in the country.

Ebenezer church bishop of Kabwe, Wilson Phiri said during the interdenominational prayers to mark the Africa Freedom Day that the freedom fought by freedom fighters should not be abused by creating divisions among the people.

Bishop Phiri noted that Africa was at cross road now as slowly the continent is getting back into the same bondage of slavery by leaders creating divisions.

He said people especially Zambians should remember that the freedom being enjoyed now was earned through the sweat and blood of freedom fighters and therefore should be guarded jealously.

And central province permanent secretary Anne Sinyangwe reminded the congregants that the aim of the African Union (AU) is to build a continental co-operation at all levels of  society in order to achieve greater African unity and solidarity.

She said peace, development and prosperity for all are universal ideals which every state in the world strives for.

Mrs. Sinyangwe said these ideals could not be achieved without social justice which is a value on which societies are built.

She said PF government is fully alive to its responsibilities of promoting social justice in the country through the creation of a conducive social and economic environment.

She called for dialogue in order to establish common grounds and reach amicable solutions adding that  in cases where differences have emerged government will remain dutifully receptive to constructive criticism and suggestions while remaining accountable to the public.

The prayers were conducted at Kabwe Chapel  and in attendance were servicemen, government officials and members of the public.